This follows the first successful mission of Rocket Lab's Pioneer spacecraft for Varda in June 2023. During that mission, Varda crystallized the HIV drug Ritonavir in orbit, and the re-entry capsule was safely recovered in Utah in February 2024. Rocket Lab is now preparing for Varda's second mission, which will involve in-space operations, re-entry maneuvers, and the retrieval of another capsule. Varda recently obtained its second reentry license from the FAA, becoming the first company to do so.
The second Pioneer spacecraft was developed at Rocket Lab's Spacecraft Production Complex in Long Beach, California. The spacecraft provides essential systems for Varda's 120 kg reentry capsule, including power, propulsion, communication, and attitude control. The platform utilizes Rocket Lab's vertically integrated components, such as star trackers, reaction wheels, solar panels, radios, and flight software.
"By leveraging Rocket Lab's vertically integrated approach to spacecraft production, we can rapidly develop and deliver the highly capable and reliable spacecraft that Varda needs for their missions," said Rocket Lab Founder and CEO, Sir Peter Beck.
"This close collaboration allows us to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling Varda to create high-value products in microgravity and bring them back to Earth. We're excited to work alongside Varda as they revolutionize manufacturing processes and open new markets through space."
"Our partnership with Rocket Lab demonstrates the power of collaboration to evolve the orbital economy," said Varda CEO and co-founder Will Bruey. "Each reentry is a remarkable milestone that paves the way for future innovations, and the day when reentry is as common as launch."
Rocket Lab's Pioneer spacecraft is a highly adaptable platform designed to handle large payloads, re-entry operations, and dynamic space missions.
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