This new service will be hosted on the Destination Core Service Platform (DESP), managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the Destination Earth initiative. This marks the first instance of GMV engaging in a data twin project within the Earth Observation (EO) domain, representing a significant milestone for the company.
AIR4Health is a direct response to the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme temperatures in Portugal and Europe over recent decades. These climate events have led to rising mortality and morbidity rates while significantly worsening air quality, posing serious health and societal risks.
Within the project, GMV is responsible for automating the acquisition of input data sources to establish a robust processing chain. Additionally, the company will integrate algorithmic models via GMV Prodigi and deploy them within the DESP platform.
The primary objective of AIR4Health is to develop an early warning system that integrates climate and air quality data. This innovative prototype is being developed in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of scientists who have already showcased advanced methodologies for dynamically assessing health impacts.
Two key case studies will be conducted to evaluate the health consequences of environmental factors: one will explore the relationship between ozone levels and heat waves, while the other will assess the effects of nitrogen dioxide exposure during cold snaps. AIR4Health will leverage satellite data from ESA's Sentinel-5P and NASA's AURA, alongside additional complementary data sources, to carry out these studies.
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GMV Prodigi
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