Apogeo Space's project revolves around the creation of a constellation of picosatellites, each contributing to a network aimed at providing global connectivity to IoT devices. The upcoming launch, facilitated by Momentus, marks the delivery of the second set of nine satellites in the project, a testament to the steadfast progression towards the establishment of the network.
Apogeo plans for the constellation to enter service by the second half of 2023. Guido Parissenti, Apogeo's CEO and co-founder, expressed his company's enthusiasm for the collaboration with Momentus, stating, "This collaboration will allow us to launch an additional nine picosats shortly and permit us to anticipate our road map of the deployment of a global telecommunication service for the Internet of Things."
Parissenti further added that, since the initial satellite deployment, data can now be retrieved from IoT devices from anywhere in the world. The vision for full global coverage is projected to be realized by 2027, with nearly 100 satellites launched every three months until that time.
Momentus, on the other hand, views the IoT satellites as a practical example of how space technology can benefit life on Earth. Chris Kinman, Momentus Chief Commercial Officer, reinforced his company's commitment to the project, stating, "Use of the Momentus Orbital Service Vehicle is an efficient and effective way to support the deployment of large satellite constellations like Apogeo's. We look forward to supporting them as they work toward full deployment of their constellation."
Both companies are leveraging their respective capabilities and expertise in a mutual pursuit of advancing global IoT capabilities, further showcasing the role of public-private partnerships in advancing space technology and connectivity.
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