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NASA's Psyche Thrusters Propel Spacecraft Toward Asteroid
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NASA's Psyche Thrusters Propel Spacecraft Toward Asteroid
by Clarence Oxford
Los Angeles CA (SPX) May 23, 2024

The Psyche spacecraft, now beyond Mars, is using ion propulsion to reach a metal-rich asteroid for orbit and data collection.

NASA's Psyche spacecraft, launched on Oct. 13, 2023, from Kennedy Space Center, passed its six-month checkup and is now using electric thrusters to speed towards its target. These thrusters, emitting a blue glow, will propel the spacecraft continuously during its journey.

After the launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy, Psyche coasted beyond Mars. It will be in "full cruise" mode for the next year, using electric thrusters that expel charged xenon ions. These thrusters, part of Psyche's solar electric propulsion system, are powered by sunlight and provide steady, efficient thrust.

Currently, the spacecraft is over 190 million miles from Earth and traveling at 23 miles per second. It will eventually reach speeds of up to 124,000 mph. Psyche is set to arrive at the asteroid in 2029, where it will conduct a two-year study to help scientists understand the formation of rocky planets.

During the first 100 days in space, the flight team checked all systems, finding them in excellent condition. The magnetometer, gamma-ray, and neutron spectrometer are functioning as expected, and the imaging instrument's cameras have captured their first images.

"Until this point, we have been powering on and checking out the various pieces of equipment needed to complete the mission, and we can report they are working beautifully," said Henry Stone, Psyche project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "Now we are on our way and looking forward to an upcoming close flyby of Mars."

Psyche will fly by Mars in spring 2026, using the planet's gravity to slingshot towards the asteroid. Meanwhile, the Deep Space Optical Communications technology demonstration on board has been testing its capabilities, transmitting data from 140 million miles away at rates comparable to broadband internet.

Related Links
Psyche Mission
Rocket Science News at Space-Travel.Com

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